What to Wear to a Baptism


Baptisms are an important part of many Christian denominations. They tend to involve purification by water. The specifics of the ritual can vary depending on the culture. Sometimes a small amount of holy liquid is sprinkled on the person’s head. During other forms of baptism, the person is completely submerged in a body of water. …

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The Importance of Flowers in Church


When most people go to church, whether for the weekly service or a special occasion, they probably never really think about the flower displays or even wonder how they got there. Worshippers just take the floral decor for granted. However, there is a lot of work that goes into arranging flowers for a church service, …

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Technology and Religion


Whether one conforms to Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism teachings, we all have noted that technology has disrupted how we access religious materials or get teachings based on their religious activities. Technology has changed how these religious organizations interact with their followers, and below is a list of technological advancements that have helped change the …

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The Importance Of Music In Religion


There are many different components that make up different religions. Those who are supporting a specific religion will rely on many different tools and resources to help them educate others about their beliefs. Part of those tools is religious books such as the bible, and music such as hymns. How To Use Music In Religion …

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